June 23, 2024

Some serious whining ahead. Be warned.

I am very frustrated right now, trying to change my favicon.

God, why does it have to be so difficult just to change an effing icon?

I have been neglecting the site and I figured I better give it an update to sort of "revive" it.

I said three years ago that this website was going to be my savior and my ticket out of poverty.

I know given enough time and energy I probably could turn a profit from this website.

But I honestly don't have time with work, and I'm not just using that as an excuse.

My computer is getting slow and this new monitor I bought has disappointed me.

My whole computer is so disorganized and I honestly just want to buy a new one and start from scratch again.

And I miss the old windows. It seems like this new OS is more complicated.

Am I the only one that feels this way? Am I stupid?

I used to be anti-Mac but maybe Apple does make good products.

June 5, 2024

Right now my main focus are my teeth.

The aligners are working. I have been using the aligners for about 6 months now and my teeth have transformed.

Initially, I was nervous that the aligners were not working because it's a very gradual change. You really don't notice a big difference until about 3 months into treatment.

But let me assure you, I am quite pleased with Smileie. I'm not going to lie, I was skeptical about this company because the price was so low compared to other aligner companies.

I thought to myself, "What's the catch?"

And believe me, I am the most leery, skeptical, untrusting person you'll ever meet.

But they do work and I think the people at Smileie know what they're doing. My teeth look so much better now. I've been taking pictures and analyzing my teeth carefully after starting this treatment.

I am going to make a gallery of my teeth. I have hundreds of detailed photos that will show you my smile transformation.

February 15, 2024

Hello my dear visitors.

If you've been following this site, I thank you.

This site has been online for almost three years now.

I have accomplished a lot with this site. I got my digital camera gallery into Google, I have gotten calls from people all over the world that are interested in this project, and I learned a lot of code.

Just the fact that it has been seen and existed in cyberspace was the main thing. I am so proud of myself for pushing it out there.

This is exactly what I wanted from this little baby, this is kind of a prototype. It's not my "magnum opus" or greatest triumph. It was a test and learning experience.... kind of dipping my toes into the water I guess you could say.

I'm sad to say, but my hosting time at HostGator has almost expired. I had to move to another hosting service.

This time I am going with Hostinger.

No worries though, all the files from cliffreed.com have been successfully transferred to my new Hostinger account.

If you were a fan of this site, the new site is cliftonreed.com.

With this new site, I want the layout to be more graphics intensive.

I plan on creating stragedy guides for this site.

January 20, 2024

Do you ever worry about someone getting on your computer and looking at your private material?

I do! I have many family members who like to use my computer "to do homework" or "just to check an email" when I know what they are up to.

Your personal computer may can contain a lot of sensitive material that you may not want people to see. Passwords? Credit Card Information. Financial Information?

Maybe you have a jealous significant other who can't wait to get into your email or facebook page to see if you have been faithful?

What about the browser history that's always in the back of your mind? Even though you delete it, you still worry that not all of it has been eradicated.

Luckily, there's a solution to this problem.

I found a very effective program called Program Protecter by Blumentals Software.

December 27, 2023

I want to share with you what Smilie is going to do to my teeth. It's so amazing watching this transformation!

Video of my teeth moving.

The program I used to capture the video is EaseUs RecExperts. It was easy to use and did a good job I think.

December 27, 2023

This is something I've been wanting to post. It's probably one of the hardest puzzles in video games I've ever encountered but I'm hoping this might help someone who is stuck in this game. If you crack the puzzle with a certain amount of moves you unlock something.

Resident Evil 2 - Electronic Door Puzzle
Resident Evil 2 - Electronic Door Puzzle

December 20, 2023

I thought I had lost precious photos of my mother, but luckily I found this program, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

You see, I had my old computer lying around for years. The other day I decided to power it on to see if I could get some old files off it.

Unfortunately, it would not power on. It was a dud.

My plan B was to dissect the computer and extract the hard drive.

After much thought, I decided I would do this. I might destroy the computer but at least I could save those hard drives.

I got the hard drives. Now it was time to hook them up to my new laptop.

Not so easy I'm afraid. They require a special adapter to be connected to a new computer.

My first attempt, I ordered the wrong adapter.

After getting my second adapter, it worked. It's like my hard drive was resurrected and came back to life.

Now let's get those old files.

I clicked on Owner. Then Documents. I box pops up and says "You do not have permission to access these files."

I looked online to find ways to crack open those folders. Several sources told me to mess with the security settings. I did. But it still didn't work. The computer said it was locked, and even the administrator couldn't access them.

By this point, I had given up hope. I thought for sure those precious files were lost forever.

Then I decided to look for programs that recovered lost data and files.

After trying some rather crappy programs, I found one that worked. It was easy too, the other programs were confusing and complicted.

It was called EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard. I recovered those photos of my beloved Mommy. It brings a tear to my eye just gazing at her.

This program is 50 percent off right now during the holiday season! Hurry before it's too late.

December 09, 2023


I am not dead.

Interesting content and ideas are finally coming forth. I knew when I planted this seed that something amazing was going to come of it.

Not only am I using my body for my weight loss idea, I'm also going to use my teeth. I know it sounds insane, but I am finally getting my teeth fixed this year.

I am trying Smileie and so far, I am delighted with their service.

I plan to record my progress and display it on this website.

Smileie is incredibly affordable. Only around 1000 dollars to get this work done!

My teeth are another insecurity that I've dealt with for years. I've got an interesting story to share.

When I was a young boy, I was a thumbsucker. This is quite embarrassing but I am going to reveal this to you, dear visitor. Why? It's interesting content for the site and I'll get more visitors! LOL.

I'm kidding of course.

Just like my weight, I'm hoping to use another insecurity of mine to help others, and maybe even profit from it.

The thumbsucking really messed up my teeth. I have not been to a dentist to confirm this, but I just know instinctively that it did.

You can see the way my teeth are currently aligned that the thumbsucking was a major contributer to my awful bite.

When I was around 11 or 12, I begged my parents to help me get my teeth fixed. I knew something was wrong with them.

Unfortunately, my parents could not afford 5000 dollars for braces.

But I remained determined to get my teeth fixed one day.

I took care of my teeth, no matter how crooked they were. I brushed and flossed everyday.

I bought expensive electric toothbrushes to care for my teeth. I also brushed every time I took a shower. I know this sound weird, but I think my shower brushing is a good technique that helped me keep my teeth healthy.

You see, I would brush my teeth in the shower, and use the pressure of the shower head as I brushed. I think this running water pressure and the flouride in the water have helped me stay relatively cavity free for years.

I am so excited to share this journey with you. I want to show the world that you can have beautiful teeth, for not much money.

September 03, 2023

More exciting content for you, dear visitor.

This post I am going to show the video capabilities of my Canon Rebel T7 camera.

Ducks eating chips.

Currently I'm playing Horizon Forbidden West on Playstation 5.

I can't stop gushing about how stunning this game is.

Everytime I play this game I am mesmorized by it's visuals.

This game is fun as well. The gameplay is just... fun. It doesn't get old.

And I know it's shallow but graphics do matter. I recently played a remake (I'm not going to name names) and I was so looking forward to it's updated visuals. I was disappointed.

I couldn't believe a game released in 2023 looked like this. It was just.... ugly. I don't know how to describe it really. It just looked like a very rushed job, trying to capitalize on the remake craze that is happening in the video game industry right now.

August 27, 2023

I consumed about 2520 calories today.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 880 calories
Oats 320 calories
Pork Skins 480 calories
Oatmeal Cookies 360 calories
Beef Jerky 140 calories
Nuts 340 calories
2520 calories

August 26, 2023

I consumed about 2700 calories today.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 1000 calories
Potato Chips 400 calories
Lasagna 360 calories
Chicken Alfredo 590 calories
Almonds 320 calories
2670 calories

August 25, 2023

I consumed about 2700 calories today.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 610 calories
Oatmeal cookies 480 calories
Almonds 320 calories
Popcorn 280 calories
Chips 210 calories
Chicken Sub 800 calories
2700 calories

August 24, 2023

I consumed about 2510 calories today.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 900 calories
Oats 640 calories
Oatmeal Cookies 360 calories
Pork Skins 320 calories
Noodles 290 calories
2510 calories

August 22, 2023

I consumed about 2700 calories today.

I'm going to stick with it this time. I want to find the caloric intake for weight loss to occur. I know I've said this time and time again but this time I'm not going to indulge. I'm going to crack this formula and it's going to change the world.

Current Weight x 12.9 = Calorie Intake for Weight loss.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 500 calories
Oats 320 calories
Chips 150 calories
Chicken Sub 800 calories
Tuna (albacore) 100 calories
Wheat thins 140 calories
Spagettios 430 calories
Coca Cola 240 calories
2680 calories

August 21, 2023

I am back to calorie counting.

I have not posted my weight since 2021! I am actually embarrassed to because I know I've gained a lot.

I am at 210.2 pounds as of now. It seems like I stay around this weight with my eating habits and activity level.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 950 calories
Chocolate Covered Almonds 160 calories
Popcorn 283 calories
Spagettios 860 calories
Egg Rolls 450 calories
2703 calories

August 19, 2023

It's my 37th birthday, yall. I can't believe I made it this far.

This post I'm going to show you another weapon I have in my arsenal.

This website is a test, a prototype to display what I can offer to the internet. There's tons of ways I can use this platform to enrich people's lives and bring something valuable to the world.

One is helping people solve hard puzzles in video games.

The Horizon series has some pretty dang hard puzzles. There's times I had to get on youtube because I was "stuck" in this game.

Here is one particularly hard puzzle in which you have to retrieve a green ornament.

July 30, 2023

I am so sick of this layout.

I looked at it today and I thought to myself... it's time.

It's my website and I'll change the freaking layout design if I want to.

This time I want to display my design and graphics capabilities.

July 27, 2023

The website that I used to make my favicon is located at www.favicon.cc.

Quite a useful little tool they have.

July 25, 2023

I am playing Final Fantasy XVI now.

For awhile I was starting to think FF 16 was going to be another FF 15. It starts out great, with tons of promise, then suddenly falls apart.

But thank the Gods that FF 16 is different.

There was a point in this game when I started to get bored.

I thought this was going to be another generic RPG, that follows the same formula that most JRPG's follow.

But I am wrong. FFXVI is an awe inspiring, impressive, fucking epic piece of work that reaches new levels of graphics and story in the video game industry.

I almost, just almost, was blown away like I was in 1999 when I first played Final Fantasy VIII.

Here is a video I recorded and uploaded.

Final Fantasy XVI - Benedikta Boss Fight

July 24, 2023

I want to get into video now. I think this is an important part of my computer career and now I will post some video!

This is me playing some Horizon Forbidden West on the Playstation 5.

This is a good game and I loved the first Horizon. I will say that this game was a bit of a let down because it's not much different from the first one.

Usually when developers make a sequel to a successful video game they keep the core concept of the game intact, but add new elements that surprise the player and keep things interesting.

This game is great fun, but I can't help but feel like I'm playing an expansion of Horizon Zero Dawn when I play this game, not a bona fide sequel.

Short video of Aloy

June 14, 2023

Woah, I have not posted in awhile and I figured I'd better oil this machine before it starts to rust.

I still plan on becoming a computer scientist in the future.

I have taken many baby steps towards this future. I have bought tons of computer related devices: mice, keyboards, headsets, SD cards, usb memory cards, I bought this domain, launched this website, I bought web hosting, downloaded FTP programs, HTML coding books, and tons of photo editing software. All of these little steps are hopefully going to lead to a very fullfilling, profitable, stimulating, and just plain fun career.

Since I got done with schooling, I have been working fast food jobs to earn a living. It's demeaning, stressful work with low pay and little advancement opportunities.

Frankly, I am sick of it.

It's frustrating and emotionally draining having to wait on customers all day.

I know I need to take action for this to happen. I don't want to work fast food the rest of my life.

April 16, 2023

This post I am revealing my new weight loss secret: Fruit.

I know I consume a lot of sugar with my Pepsi drinking.

To combat this addiction I have to Pepsi, I am going to add more fruit to my diet.

That doesn't mean I'll cut out Pepsi entirely. But I think if I start eating more fruit, I will drink less Pepsi.

I will try this experiment in the coming weeks and see if it works.

44 percent of my calories are from Pepsi today. Yikes!

March 19, 2023

I have something exciting for you, fellow dieters.

I think I have cracked the code to weight loss.

I've been doing experiments and tests behind the scenes. I think I had an "Aha!" moment.

Stay tuned for exciting content soon!

March 17, 2023

I made a pie chart on Meta-chart.com tonight.

I think it's interesting to see that 31.8 percent of my calories are from Pepsi alone.

February 22, 2023

I am not dead.

I am alive and well and still in command of this project.

I coded a calendar and I would like to share it with you!

February 2023 Calendar

It is free to download if you would like to hang it up in your office/bedroom/kitchen.

I showed my friend this website and first thing he said was "It's basic. It's plain."

I made this webpage plain intentionally because I am hoping to start a trend in the web design industry.

I am tired of websites that are crowded and cluttered. In my opinion, they distract the visitor from the important things on the webpage.

I know I've mentioned this before but I also LOATHE ads. I don't dislike, I LOATHE them.

I promised myself that if this website gathers steam and becomes popular, I'm not going to cheapen it by placing Google Ads all over the page.

October 12, 2022

I analyzed what I ate today and guess how much sugar I consumed?

333 grams of sugar!

Something has to be done about this. How many calories are in one gram of sugar?

I just googled it and there are 4 calories in one gram of sugar.

I ate 333 grams of sugar today. 333 x 4 = 1332 calories.

I consumed a total of 2820 calories today. 1332 calories are from sugar. 1332 divided by 2820 is 0.4723. So that's 47 percent of my calories from sugar. Oh my god, that's almost half of my calorie intake from sugar!

September 30, 2022

Hey everyone!

I have not posted in over a month! God, what is wrong with me?

But I have good news to share with you. I bought a fancy new phone that takes great pictures, takes notes, gets on the internet, and just does all kind of cool stuff.

I bought this phone because it's going to be a valuable tool for my weight loss project.

With this camera, I'm going to take photos of the packaging of what I consume everyday. I think if I record what I consume with greater detail, we can find valuable insights into my diet and eating habits. Where are most of my calories coming from? When do I consume the most calories throughout the day? What nutrients am I missing in my daily diet? These are questions that I hope I can answer with this new approach.

I want to record what I consume to the very gram. I want precise, exact, and accurate records.

I ate a hell of a lot of sugar today.

August 14, 2022

I have not posted new content in awhile and I figured I better get my ass in gear.

I want to show off my new HP Pavilion keyboard in this post.

I love it. The key travel is perfect and all the keys have a precise, crisp feel. Lenovo, Dell, Apple, Acer, Asus, Microsoft... start taking notes because HP has nailed it.

Here is a photo to give you a good idea of what the key travel is like on an HP Pavilion 15 laptop.
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo
Another HP Pavilion keyboard photo

Something else interesting that happened while I was out in town was this dog I spotted limping on the side of the road. I couldn't help but take some pictures of it. I think the dog was hit by a car. I talked to some other drivers and they called the police. I hope the poor little guy gets help!

Old Yellow
Old Yellow 2
Old Yellow 3
Old Yellow 4

July 19, 2022

Hello dear visitor.

Not much new to report. I am still focusing on this site because it's kind of like a seed I have planted. I will nuture it and continue to help it grow to it's full potential. I think with this nuturing and caring, this site is going to produce some amazing things.

I have many exciting ideas in my head. New sites and projects that I'm considering are screen savers, wallpapers, and ringtones. But they are not going to be rip offs. They will be original works by me.

July 18, 2022

My protein by the hour method is working.

I am off work now, after working 10 hours. I have been on my legs for hours, walking and damaging my leg muscles.

The protein that I ate every hour repaired my muscles.

I have absolutely no desire to eat right now and I have consumed only 2500 calories today.

July 17, 2022

I am back to calorie counting again.

I have been using my protein by the hour method and so far it's working.

I think if I give my body small doses of protein every hour, I won't have that insane urge for it when I get done working. When you're body has that intense urge to eat, I think it makes you overreat.

I don't feel hungry at all right now and I've only consumed about 2000 calories so far.

I was thinking in my head today that I want to start to record what I consume with even greater detail. I want to know exactly how many grams or protein, fat, and carbs I'm consuming daily. I think if I record this data, it will give us even greater insight into my diet. I even thought about doing a pie chart that shows you what percentage of carbs, fat, protein etc. I'm consuming.

July 14, 2022


I have been testing and tinkering with my new laptop as well as my old one. I did many speed tests and I want to share them with you.

Lenovo Thinkbook vs Lenovo Ideapad Comparison

I was planning on partnering with Lenovo but just like Canon, I am disappointed in their products. I will be the first to admit I am very hard to please and satisfy. I have very high standards and expectations and I'm also a perfectionist and control freak. And you wonder why I have no friends... LOL!

These qualities may be a blessing or a curse. For one, I think I produce high quality work because I have these qualities. Just like this website for example, I carefully and meticulously coded these pages myself before publishing them to the internet. That's also why I am not promoting this website until it's up to my standards. This website is merely a prototype, a test before I take on more advanced projects. I eventually want to work my way up to Microsoft, HP, and Apple status. I want my own computer company that makes premium computers and accessories.

I guess I might as well tell you guys why I'm disappointed with Lenovo. The reason is, I found two, tiny little nicks on the laptop after close inspection.

They are so small that only a person who closely inspected the device would notice, but I noticed them!

It drives me crazy knowing they are there. It is simply unacceptable to order a 800 dollar computer and have two nicks on the laptop chassis.

There's another thing that drives me nuts about my new laptop. When I press the Windows Icon to turn off my laptop, clicking the power button doesn't respond the first time. However, if I click a second time, it does respond.

This is minor, but it still bugs me. If something as simple as turning off the computer is not working properly, it makes me wonder if other glitches are in the operating system.

Let's get back into some positives before I turn everyone against Lenovo.

The keyboard is top notch. It's probably the most comfortable, satisfying typing experience I have had with a computer keyboard. All the keys are tactile and responsive. They are not too mushy or too rigid, they are a good balance.

Overall, this new purchase is a big upgrade from my previous laptop. The computer is faster, lighter, and has a better keyboard than my previous Lenovo. Maybe the little nick is a sign to break it in a little. I am going to try to do all kinds of intense editing and graphics work that will test this little machine.

June 28, 2022

Hello everyone.

I have been buying hardware left and right lately. I have spent about 1500 dollars on new tech. I have tested my new Lenovo Thinkbook Gen 4 and it's much faster than my Lenovo Ideapad 100.

Boot up time has been significantly reduced. From pressing the power button to opening this html document it takes about 15.90 seconds with the Lenovo Thinkbook Gen 4.

In comparison, the Lenovo Ideapad 100 takes on average 47.34 seconds to power up and open a text document.

I want to do more tests like this in the future, not only to inform the public, but also to promote Lenovo products.

June 16, 2022

Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying the sunny weather.

This post I'm going to show my visitors the capabilities of this program, Affinity Photo.

I am in love with this program and I'm not just saying that to earn a commission.

I have been purchasing photo editing software left and right because it's going to be a necessary tool for my web development career.

I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements, Cyberlink PhotoDirector, GIMP, Corel Paintshop Pro, and Affinity Photo.

Out of all of these programs, Affinity Photo is the best.

It's fast, it's fluid, and it produces amazing results.

My photos look crisper, sharper, and more vibrant with this program.

The other programs are slower and less responsive.

Here are some examples I would like to show you:
1. Peach
2. Orange
3. White

June 11, 2022

I have great news to report.

My protein by the hour method worked!

I ate a stick of beef jerky every hour throughout the day. I had literally no cravings for food all day.

Usually when I get off work my body is craving food. I'm pretty sure this is because my leg muscles have been damaged from walking around and standing on them all day.

The protein repaired them while I was working.

This is exciting and I think this the reason for my binge eating. All week I will continue to do try this method.

What I ate today:
Popcorn 320 calories
Candy Bar 210 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Fruit Cup 60 calories
4 Beef Jerky Sticks 200 calories
Mac and Cheese dinner 640 calories
2030 calories

June 03, 2022

After about a month of saving and restricting myself, I finally decided to indulge myself with a new toy this week.

I bought a Moto G Pure.

So far, I am in love with this phone. When I use my old phone, I see how sluggish it is compared to my new Moto.

The Moto also has a bigger display.

There's also this cool gesture feature where you can turn on the flashlight by shaking the phone twice.

New gallery completed. I actually love the baby duck pics in this one!

June 01, 2022

Added lots of new pictures to the gallery.

How many photos should I upload? I'm thinking at least 100 to give people a good sense of what Canon Rebel T7 images look like.

Gallery 8
Gallery 9
Gallery 10

May 29, 2022

This is probably my favorite Canadian Goose photo I have taken.

May 24, 2022

I am starting to record videos with my new camera. I am pleasantly surprised at the quality of the video this camera can produce. I think next month I will start posting videos for you.

Cliffreed.com is an enigma. This site is mainly to showcase my skills. It's kind of the first step into my web development career.

May 21, 2022

The gallery keeps growing.

Here's a 7th page.

May 15, 2022

Hey everyone.

Not much new here to report. I've just been taking pictures like mad with my new camera. I am disappointed with my first DSLR but I think this camera will be fine to do what is was intended to do in the first place: Show you my weight loss in detail.

Cliffreed.com is just the beginning of my computer endeavors. I want to have a network of websites and projects in production. Maybe I'll eventually hire people and have a team... but that's years down the line. Knowing me, I'll probably just run all the sites myself.

Sites that are being considered are:
1. Search engine
2. Digital Photography reviews, samples
3. A strategy guide website similar to Gamefaqs.com
4. A dating website
5. Laptop reviews, photos, tests
6. HTML AND CSS tutorial website
7. Web design, help developers improve their sites, a way for developers to meet and collaborate on projects
8. Web hosting company
9. Wallpaper production
10. Music production
11. Ringtone production
12. Screensaver production
13. Chatroom

It's true, many of the above ideas have already been done. This is one area that I'm concerned with. I don't want my websites to be copycats of other sites. I want to bring an original idea to the table.

Back to Cliffreed.com, I am continuing with my weight loss project. I even thought today that I'm going to make this diet plan customizable... I'm not going to force the dieter what exactly to eat. They will have many options and this is another part of the core of this diet. This plan isn't going to be strict, punishing. It's going to be flexible, customizable, and full of options. It's kind of like the nicest diet you'll ever meet. I think this will actually help the dieter be more successful at weight loss in the long run.

May 14, 2022

Another gallery has been completed.

Here's a 6th page to the gallery.

May 10, 2022

Another gallery has been completed.

Here's a 5th page to the gallery.

May 8, 2022

I am watching my caloric intake again.

I consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

What I ate today:
Oatmeal 240 calories
Mandarins 70 calories
Sprite 140 calories
Pepsi 250 calories
Mixed Nuts 180 calories
8 Beef Jerky Sticks 350 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
2 Lunchables 640 calories
2510 calories

May 2, 2022

I keep adding more pictures.

Here's a 4th page to the gallery.

May 1, 2022

I have finished another gallery.

My third gallery!

April 30, 2022

I have another gallery for you dear visitors.

My second gallery!

I think this site is morphing into a digital photography site. I really don't know what direction this site is going but we'll just have to see how this website evolves over time.

April 25, 2022

I have constructed my first digital photography gallery. I know it's basic but I try to keep my word. I told myself I'm going to make a gallery and I did. Here it is!

I have tons more photos to share with you. This is just a teaser.

April 09, 2022

I am watching my calorie intake again.

Protein is a great appetite suppressant. I learned this today when I consumed a big bag of beef jerky. I couldn't even finish the whole bag because it was so filling.

I have consumed about 2600 calories today and I worked a double shift. I do not feel hungry at all right now.

I drank way too much Pepsi today. I have to find some alternatives to Pepsi. I am not going to cut Pepsi completely from my diet -- That's totally going against what this project is about. I don't want the dieter to feel deprived of the things they love. It's about moderation. The point of this experiment is to show dieter they can still lose weight and eat the things they love... but in moderation.

I also want to do some research on sugar. I know most humans, including myself, like sweet things. It just makes things taste better! I think there's something deeper though... and I think this could potentially be something big that will help the dieter. We'll go into that next post.

March 18, 2022

Why are Americans getting fatter?

This is a big question and I've been thinking about it lately.

In my hypothesis, technology plays a big part.

Just the other day I realized something while I was talking to my clock -- Technology is making everyone more sedentary.

We don't walk to the mail box or go to the store to buy stamps because we have email.
We don't have to even drive anymore for fast food. With the click of a button you can have it delivered to your door in minutes.
We don't have to search for a special item because you can find it online in seconds and have it delivered to your door step.
You don't even have to lift a remote anymore, let alone walk to the television to change channels. All you have to do is tell your google clock "Turn on the TV".
When it's bedtime, you don't have to walk around your house turning every light switch off. All you have to do it tell your google assistant, "Turn all lights off."
When you use a bathroom at Wal-mart, there's a sensor on the toilet that does the flushing for you. Even more, when you wash your hands, there's a sensor that will automatically start the faucet. AND last but not least, when you need to dry your hands you don't even have to pull the handle to get paper towels, there's a sensor that automatically gets it for you.

I also think video games play a part in the obesity epidemic. Video games can be addicting... I know this because I have been "hooked" on a video game. This causes people to be sedentary. I once stayed in my room for a week trying to beat this game I was hooked on.

Other technological devices that are making people lazy are electric toothbrushes, electric razors, and of course the almighty computer. You don't even have to exercise your fingers anymore to log in to your computer, there's a fingerprint reader that does it for you.

Also, advancement in automobiles are a good example. Cars nowadays are mostly electric powered. Power windows, power adjusted seats, and even the rear view camera. You don't have to look over your shoulder to see what's behind you anymore.

March 18, 2022

Hey guys.

I have not abandoned this site or project. I am working diligently behind the scenes to bring you exciting new content.

I have been taking photos like mad with my new DSLR. I'm not fully satisfied with this camera, but I am going to make use of this purchase one way or another.

I have bought tons of image editing software for this site and my web development career. I am going to use my Canon Rebel T7 photographs and make them shiny and sparkly with my new software.

Here are some examples I would like to show you:
Before and After using Corel Aftershot 3.
Before and After using Cyberlink PhotoDirector 13.

I purchased another program tonight -- inpixio Photo Studio 11. It is still downloading on my computer but when it's on there I will test it out.

March 10, 2022

Hello dear visitor.

My last post I was raving about my new DSLR.

I am taking back what I said because what I wrote wasn't true.

I am actually quite disappointed with my new camera.

I planned on promoting Canon products on this site to make money but I am having second thoughts.

I'm not going to promote a product or company that doesn't meet or exceed my high expectations.

I am a lover of fine things and high quality products. I am not going to endorse something I disapprove of.

This camera functions fine. It's a well built camera.

However, the picture quality is what kills me about this camera.

Most of the pictures I take with this camera have a blurry, soft quality to them. It's almost like a thin layer of vasoline has been spread on the image. Maybe Canon did this intentionally to make the images appear smoother and with less grain, but I don't like it!

Here are some examples:
1. Pink Blossoms raw (unedited)
2. Pink Blossoms after being edited and sharpened with Affinity Photo

As you can see, the raw image is dull, blurry, and less clear.

I wanted my images to be sharp, crisp and detailed. This is not the case with the Canon Rebel T7.

Almost all of my photos have been sharpened and edited in Affinity Photo because of their blurriness and softness.

I am not going to put my integrity on the line for money. That's not my style or part of who I am at all.

I was going to post edited and retouched images from my Canon T7 to promote sales of the camera, but that would be misleading my audience and jeopardizing my credibility.

If I lied about this product and made you buy this camera, I could not live with myself! That is just wrong.

So now I'm going to turn this purchase into an honest review, not a cheap promotion.

Maybe I'll be losing money and Canon's partnership, but I feel like I've wasted my hard earned money on this camera I was so excited about. I should have saved up more and bought a Nikon D3500.

But let's give Canon some credit before I turn everyone against this company.

This is an entry level DSLR. It can be a good beginner camera and something to practice with. You don't want to buy a 2000 dollar camera and not know how to use it.

I'm sure their more expensive models offer better image quality.

Lastly, with a little polish, you can make the images this camera produce shine. There's a huge difference when you edit them with Affinity Photo.

February 17, 2022

Hey everyone.

I haven't posted in about two weeks but I'm excited to fill you in on what's been going on.

I got a new DSLR with my tax refund and I love it! It's a Canon EOS Rebel T7.

The buttons and switches all have a very snappy, responsive quality. This camera feels more expensive than it is.

I bought the Canon Rebel T7 kit that includes two lenses. I only paid about $581.00 for this kit and it's a great value. I got an expensive, quality carrying case, a battery charger, two lenses, and the Canon Rebel T7 body itself of course.

I bought this camera because I was not satisfied with the quality of these cheap Kodak point and shoot cameras. I want my site to have a professional, high quality feel to it, and thus I had to blow some money on a better camera.

With this camera, I am going to take pictures of myself that are detailed and show you that I'm losing weight. I even made a gallery to display some of my photography.

February 1, 2022

I binged tonight.

I went too long without food. I ate too much in the morning. My body was screaming for protein by 8 pm.

I feel like crap that I blew my diet but at least we can learn from this.

I have got to work on the spacing of when I eat. I said this before in a previous post, but I think I should try to eat 6 small meals a day.

I also thought about packing 10 of those beef sticks and eating one of them every hour. Protein is probably the most important nutrient the body needs. We can learn from this. If I keep a steady supply of protein in my body at all times, I am less likely to binge.

My body could have been craving alpha linolenic acid as well. I didn't eat any walnuts.

February 1, 2022

What I ate today:
Applesauce 100 calories
2 boiled eggs 120 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
7 Beef Jerky Sticks 350 calories
Mixed Nuts 340 calories
2 cakes 270 calories
2 packs of oats 240 calories
2 pouches of tuna 160 calories
1 Large Banana 120 calories
Wheat thins 280 calories
3000 calories

January 30, 2022

I think it's time I get back on track with my calorie intake.

I bought tons of nutritious food this week. I have been trying to eat a little bit of everything to get the nutrients my body needs. I raised my calorie intake a little to see if I lose weight with this calorie intake.

What I ate today:
Applesauce 100 calories
4 boiled eggs 240 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
5 Beef Jerky Sticks 250 calories
Mixed Nuts 340 calories
50 Mini Wheat Biscuits 420 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
30 Grapes 90 calories
1 Large Banana 121 calories
2 Packets of Oats 240 calories
2790 calories

January 25, 2022

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this site and it's mission. This webpage is being created with several motivations, one being to help people lose weight. But another important topic I want to tackle with this site is the discrimination obese people face.

I think the obese are a minority group that have long been ridiculed for centuries.

It's acceptable in society to make fun of fat people, whereas it's frowned upon to call a black person a n***** and a homosexual a f*****. I think this is unjust and wrong.

Society views obese people as a joke almost, like it's their own fault for being obese. They deserve to be made fun of because they are lazy or eat too much.

January 21, 2022

After eating mixed nuts for lunch I felt no desire to eat. They are a good appetite suppressant.

January 19, 2022

I lost 2 pounds. I was shocked! That's a lot of weight in one day.

And I consumed 2800 calories yesterday. I worked a double shift so I decided to up my calorie intake to see if I still lose weight.

This is actually too much weight loss in one day.

My new formula for days when I work a double shift is Current weight x 15 = Daily Calorie Limit.

January 18, 2022

Greetings visitors!

I have not posted in awhile and I feel it's a good time to now.

I have gained a lot of weight back. I am back up to 207 lbs. now.

However, there's still some positive news to report.

I was tempted to binge tonight but I didn't. On my lunch break, I ate some walnuts and my hunger just disapated.

This might sound insignificant but this is so important to anyone trying to lose weight. You have to get that fatty acid in your diet, alpha linolenic acid. It's so important because if you don't, you'll binge.

I literally have no strong desire to eat right now and I have about 600 calories left to spare for the day.

December 25, 2021

There's a topic I want to discuss on this site that has been on my mind for a while.

Can you lose weight with exercise alone?

A few years ago, I told myself I'm not going to worry about what I eat and just work my ass off.

I tried this method and unfortunately, it doesn't work!

No, I take that back. You can lose weight with exercise alone but it's hard.

I worked out every day after work, but I only lost like 2 pounds in one month.

I was killing myself. I was exhausted. It's also very expensive and time-consuming to work out every day. You have to have a gym membership, gym clothes, towels, MP3 player for motivation, and lots of water because you lose lots of water with rigorous exercise.

So to my fellow dieters, my advice to give you is that it's simply easier to eat healthy and count calories. It's just easier! It's also more practical and affordable because you will be saving money, eating less. When you have a lot of activity, your body requires more food, more fuel. You will be saving time and money if you lose weight with the calorie counting method.

December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

I am still learning and developing as a computer programmer. I am studying on freecodecamp.org and all I can say is... I'm humbled. Web Development isn't easy but that's part of the fun of it. The challenge and complexity is stimulating, not boring.

December 22, 2021

2021 is almost over, and I feel like it's a good time to summarize and review the year.

I think I have learned a lot this year about HTML, CSS, Web design, and nutrition. I think I have to be knowledgeable in all of these areas for this website to be a success.

2021 is just the tip of the iceberg. I think in 2022 I will buy a better camera, so I can bring my world to the internet in a more vivid, clear way. It's important that I'm showing you my weight loss progress, so I guess I can kind of prove to everyone that what I'm doing is working.

I also have to add more content and graphics to the site. I was looking at it today, and it still looks very incomplete. I need a logo, some kind of graphic that makes the site more memorable.

As for nutrition, I have learned a lot through my own trial and error approach. What you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat, are all very essential when it comes to weight loss. You have to spread out your calories evenly throughout the day. If you eat too much in the morning, you will feel hungry at the end of the day because you've used up all your calories. I think breakfast and dinner are the most important meals of the day. You require food at the start of your day for energy. Carbohydrates power the body, Protein repairs it.

What I ate today:
Applesauce 90 calories
2 boiled eggs 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Beef N Cheese x 2 280 calories
Mixed Nuts 180 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
Fruit cup 60 calories
Beef Stick x 3 150 calories
2510 calories

December 20, 2021

I have a new weapon in my weight loss arsenal that I would like to show you guys.

Beef Stick

These little protein snacks from Jack Link's are great. They are low-calorie and high in protein. They are also easy to consume and not messy, so if you're in class or on a bus ride home, you can easily open one and satisfy your body without attracting too much attention. I would stock up on these if I were trying to lose weight!

What I ate today:
Applesauce 90 calories
2 boiled eggs 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Beef N Cheese x 2 280 calories
Mixed Nuts 180 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
Fruit cup 60 calories
Beef Stick x 3 150 calories
2510 calories

December 18, 2021

I did good with my diet today.

Like I planned, I ate mainly carbs for my first meal, my second meal was mainly fats, and my last meal was mainly protein.

I'm going to start eating light in the morning because I think this is where I am screwing up. I consume too many calories at the beginning of the day.

I feel totally satiated right now.

What I ate today:
Applesauce 90 calories
2 boiled eggs 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
1 Nutri-grain bar 130 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Assorted Nuts 180 calories
Tuna 110 calories
32 Wheat thins 280 calories
Beef n Cheese snack 140 calories
2560 calories

December 11, 2021

Hey everyone.

I am still working on this site and whoever has managed to stumble upon it, know that it's still in the works. I don't plan to promote or publish this site until I feel it's ready for the world.

But I'm liking the direction the layout and design is going. I wanted the site to be mainly white, because I think light-colored layouts have a cleaness and purity about them. I also want the site to be kind of on the simple side, but not boring. I loathe websites that are cluttered with ads! Those ads just look so tacky and cheap. I plan on promoting products on this site, but it's going to be done in a tasteful way. I'm not going to have pop ups or have ads that interrupt what a person is viewing. I'm not going to name names, but that is the most annoying thing ever!!! It totally ruins the experience of what a website has to offer. I've always hated commericials on television too. You're trying to watch this program and it totally takes away from the experience.

December 13, 2021

I'm feeling kind of defeated after bingeing just now.

I set myself up for defeat because I ate too much during the day.

I think I need work on spacing and timing of my meals. I think if I eat 6 small meals a day and balance out these meals I wouldn't be so hungry at the end of the day.

I also did not eat any eggs today or fruit. Maybe this is where I screwed up.

I've been working on my diet for like 6 months now and I've only lost like 10 lbs. I am depressed because of it. I am going to keep trying until I have solved my weight problem.

December 11, 2021

Hey everyone.

I am still working on this site and whoever has managed to stumble upon it, know that it's still in the works. I don't plan to promote or publish this site until I feel it's ready for the world.

But I'm liking the direction the layout and design is going. I wanted the site to be mainly white, because I think light-colored layouts have a cleaness and purity about them. I also want the site to be kind of on the simple side, but not boring. I loathe websites that are cluttered with ads! Those ads just look so tacky and cheap. I plan on promoting products on this site, but it's going to be done in a tasteful way. I'm not going to have pop ups or have ads that interrupt what a person is viewing. I'm not going to name names, but that is the most annoying thing ever!!! It totally ruins the experience of what a website has to offer. I've always hated commericials on television too. You're trying to watch this program and it totally takes away from the experience.

December 8, 2021

I lost 2 pounds.

I was surprised because I thought I would only lose about one pound.

Something noteworthy, when I ate a handful of almonds and walnuts just now I feel incredibly full. I have no desire at all to eat right now. Almonds are a good source of linoleic acid and walnuts are high in a-linolenic acid.

What I ate today:
2 cups of fruit loops 300 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
4 Boiled Eggs 240 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 450 calories
Pecans 200 calories
2 Kiwi 100 calories
2520 calories

198 lbs.

December 7, 2021

I lost a pound.

I have consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't have a desire to eat right now.

What I ate today:
2 cups of fruit loops 300 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
4 Boiled Eggs 240 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 450 calories
Pecans 200 calories
2 Kiwi 100 calories
2520 calories

December 5, 2021

I am watching my calorie intake again.

When I got off work tonight I was craving protein. I know it wasn't fat I was craving because I've already ate tons of nuts today.

I have consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 150 calories
4 Boiled Eggs 240 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Pecans 200 calories
2 Kiwi 100 calories
20 Grapes 68 calories
2468 calories

December 3, 2021

Hello dear visitors.

I have not abandoned this site and it's going to be the focus of my life for many years to come.

I know this site is pretty much going to save my life. It's going to show the world that I'm not stupid, that I have something valuable to offer, and it's going to launch my web development career. As I'm creating and developing this site, I'm learning HTML, CSS, and web design simultaneously.

I have been eating like a pig lately, and I think it's best to be honest with my audience.

McDonald's has had the McRib on sale for a limited time, and I love the McRib. I have been eating two a day.

They also opened a new Japanese restaurant in town and I have been eating there once a day.

I know I have put on weight. I have taken pictures of myself, and I'm disgusted with the way I look. My face is so fat, and I look just awful.

But never fear. I know I'm going to get this weight off, and I want to look my very best for my web development career. I am very motivated to lose this weight.

November 23, 2021

I have consumed roughly 2500 calories today and I don't feel the least bit hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Pepsi 650 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Walnuts 380 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Hershey's Chocolate 380 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
20 Grapes 68 calories
2508 calories

November 20, 2021

My diet has been put on hiatus until January 1, 2022.

Why do you ask? It's pretty obvious. Thanksgiving and Christmas season is the worst time to diet.

It's predictable that I'm going to gain some weight by January 1. So in the meantime while I am getting fatter, I am going to devise diet plans and strategies for 2022.

I am wiser and more educated about nutrition in 2021. I hope I can use this knowledge to create a great diet plan and regimen for the world by August 2022. That's when I hope this site is complete and I also hope my body is lighter by then.

November 18, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 1.2 lbs. since yesterday.

I am 195.8 lbs. now. This is the lowest weight I've been in awhile.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 440 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
3 Boiled Eggs 180 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Spagetti 410 calories
2430 calories

November 17, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost .6 lbs. since yesterday.

This is a good rate of loss.

I just got off work and I have no desire at all to eat. I have to make sure I record what I ate today. These foods that I have chosen to eat are going to make me skinny again.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 445 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
3 Boiled Eggs 180 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Pecans 400 calories
2425 calories

November 16, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost .4 lbs. since yesterday.

This is somewhat disappointing considering I worked a double shift and only consumed 2585 calories.

After getting off work just now I don't have a strong desire to eat. I think this is a good sign that my body is getting the nutrients it needs.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 675 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Pistachios 160 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Pecans 200 calories
2585 calories

November 15, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I have not lost any weight.

Activity level does matter when it comes to weight loss. I only worked a short shift yesterday so I'm pretty sure that's why I didn't lose any weight.

Today I worked a double shift so I think I will have dropped some weight by morning.

I am probably going to drop some weight before Thanksgiving and then gain it back after the holidays are over. That's just my prediction.

Some positive news to report, I do not feel the least bit hungry right now after finishing a 12 hour shift. This is a great sign that the new additions to my diet are giving me the nutrients that my body needs. I need to keep a variety of nuts in my diet because they contain good amounts of healthy fats. I think I was missing these fats from my diet that's why I was having those intense cravings for food.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Beef Jerky 675 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Pistachios 160 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Pecans 200 calories
2585 calories

November 14, 2021

I am losing weight again.

I am down to 198 lbs.

I have to stay on track and lose this weight for good. The temptation to binge is there but not so great with my new dietary additions. The nuts, eggs, and beef jerky are working great. These nutrient dense, low calorie foods are definitely aiding my weight loss.

The long term goal for this website is not my weight loss, but to create a weight loss plan that is perfect for everyone. I want a diet plan that makes a person feel healthy, satisfied and not deprived. I don't want there to be any hunger or suffering at all.

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats 420 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
3 Boiled eggs 180 calories
Beef Jerky 200 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Walnuts 190 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Chicken Stir-fry 630 calories
2440 calories

November 12, 2021

I tried pistachios for the first time in my life today and I don't like them. But I read on the internet they are an excellenct source of healthy fats and they also suppressed my appetite when I ate them.

What I ate today:
15 Grapes 45 calories
Pepsi 500 calories
6 Walnuts 200 calories
3 Boiled eggs 180 calories
Nutrigrain bar x 2 260 calories
5 Slices of Bread 550 calories
Pistachios 240 calories
Beef Jerky 400 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2505 calories

November 11, 2021

I have not ate really well today.

After getting off work I am usually the hungriest, but I am slightly hungry right now.

I think I ate too much bread today and not enough protein. I think I got enough fat.

What I ate today:
20 Grapes 40 calories
Pepsi 350 calories
6 Walnuts 200 calories
7 Hershey Kisses 160 calories
Nutrigrain bar x 2 260 calories
8 Slices of Bread 880 calories
Almonds 170 calories
Tuna 110 calories
32 Wheat thins 280 calories
2450 calories

November 10, 2021

I am 197.6 lbs. as of this morning.

I am losing weight like crazy with my new diet and working double shifts.

This is great. I also didn't have any moments during the week when my body was begging for food. Adding a-linolenic and linoleic acid to my diet has done the trick.

November 9, 2021

I have positive news for you, dear visitors.

Since starting my walnut, boiled eggs, and almonds diet I have lost about 1 pound each day.

But... and there's a big but.

I think this is because I am working double shifts. I am expending lots of energy lately, pretty much worked to death.

I think when I get back to normal shifts I won't lose as much weight.

I also didn't have any moments during the day when I felt hungry! This is great. And I have been consuming roughly 2500 calories a day. I think the addition of nuts to my diet are really what's been missing.

I also want to mention that I think the additions of walnuts to my diet is important. After eating the walnuts, I feel very satiated. I think it's because of their high fat content.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Boiled Eggs x 3 180 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Walnuts 600 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2570 calories

November 8, 2021

I am losing weight again.

I weighed myself this morning and I am 199.6 lbs.

I am losing about 1.5 pounds per day with my new diet plan.

The addition of walnuts has definitely helped with my hunger. It's funny because the lack of fat in my diet was making me fat.

I am somewhat hungry right now. Not to the extreme, but it did cross my mind to buy some McDonald's after work.

I still have not created the perfect diet plan but I will continue with my trial and error approach.

I am currently overworked right now. I am working like 60 hours a week.

This is good and bad because I'm making lots of money but I am feeling not great emotionally.

I think I am missing those boiled eggs right now. I think that's why I'm somewhat hungry right now after work.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Boiled Eggs x 3 180 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Walnuts 600 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2570 calories

November 7, 2021

I am getting back on track with my diet.

I have only consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

The walnuts, eggs, and almonds are great additions to my diet.

I'm starting to be more careful about what I eat and not just how much I eat. They are both equally important.

I think I am getting those essential fatty acids because my body isn't screaming for food right now. Usually at the end of the day when I get off work my body is telling me to feed it, but right now I feel satisfied.

This is great because I hate denying my body anything when it asks for it. I think I was missing those fatty acids from my diet, alpha linolenic and linoleic acid.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Boiled Eggs x 3 180 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Walnuts 600 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2570 calories

November 5, 2021

I am ready for my transformation to begin.

I have took photos of myself with my new camera and I'm utterly disgusted with my appearance.

This is actually a good thing.

This motivates me to improve myself and lose weight.

I have to lose the fat and fix my face up. I want to look good for my new career and new job.

I'll be meeting lots of new people and I want to look together.

November 5, 2021

I have done some homework on nutrition and I want to share my new knowledge with my visitors.

Did you know the seeds in Kiwi are high in alpha linolenic acid? That's right. I think it's funny because I said in my previous posts I think I'm deficient in ALA. I think my body was telling me to purchase those kiwi, and I didn't even know about ALA then.

This week I am stocking up on the following foods:
1. Almonds
2. Pecans
3. Walnuts
4. Kiwi
5. Eggs

I think these foods are packed with valuable nutrients and will be great for keeping my body satisfied.

I would also like to inform my visitors that I have gained weight. I have gained about 6 pounds. I have not been watching my calorie intake and this is what happens!

November 1, 2021

I have got some exciting news to report.

I only ate 2500 calories today and I do not feel hungry at all right now.

Usually when I get off work I am the most hungry, but I honestly have no desire to eat right now.

It's very important to note that I ate lots of walnuts today. I think I was right in my previous post, I am deficient in alpha linolenic acid.

OCTOBER 31, 2021

I still had those intense cravings for food tonight.

I think it's because I'm alpha linolenic acid deficient. I'm pretty sure it's what it is.

I have got to figure out why I pig out like this.

OCTOBER 23, 2021

Hello visitors!

I continue to spruce up and tweak the site. Every day I find something to improve or fix. I hope all these little fixes will add up to a great debut website come August 2022. That's when I plan on the site being fully complete. Of course, I will keep adding fresh content but I want the core of it to be complete by then.

As for my diet, I have not been watching my caloric intake. But, I am prepared with more knowledge about human nutrition. I have done some homework about essential fatty acids. I think maybe this is what is causing my binge-eating. I learned on wikipedia that humans cannot make two fatty acids: a-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. I bought tons of nuts this paycheck because they are supposed to be an excellent source of these acids. I bought walnuts, pecans, and almonds. Please visit Xbox.com

OCTOBER 20, 2021

I have done some research on fat. There are two fatty acids that humans cannot make: a-Linolenic acid and Linoleic acid. I did not know this, but this is exciting because I may have been missing these nutrients from my diet. Next paycheck I will make sure to stock up on foods that contain both of these acids.

October 18, 2021

I screwed up my diet again today!

What am I doing wrong?

It happened around 8 pm tonight while I was working. I got that craving for food even though I ate 1500 calories when I woke up today. I think what I was craving was protein, but I could be wrong. One of the human macronutrients is fat but I kind of don't know much about this nutrient. I think because fat contains so many calories, I avoid this nutrient but according to the book, the human body needs it. I am going to do some research tonight and find some good sources of healthy fat. Maybe this is what is causing my bingeing...

I have to put a diet plan together and solve my weight problem once and for all.

October 17, 2021

Hey guys!

I have been doing a lot of thinking about my diet and this website lately. I have been in kind of a rut lately, staying around the same weight. I think the addition of boiled eggs to my diet has definitely helped. But I didn't drop weight like I hoped last week. I only lost about .8 pounds. I want to lose around 1.5 lbs. per week. That seems like a healthy rate of loss. I want to do more research on the human diet, and there's still so much I do not know. I think the more I know, the more I'll be able to create a better weight loss site for everyone.

There's some things I did learn though. I learned that sleep has a factor in weight loss on a website I googled. Staying up late and drinking Pepsi are two of my biggest weaknesses. I think I need to get to bed earlier and wake up without feeling rushed to get to work. I know a few days ago I was so rushed to get ready for work that I didn't have time for breakfast. I know breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day.

I shouldn't be so hard on myself though. I bought all kinds of healthy food this week, bananas and kiwi. Did you know 2 kiwi have three times the amount of vitamin C as an orange? That's insane! I love kiwi so it's definitely going to be a staple in my diet plan.

As for site development, I am loving the way the site design is turning out. It feels light and airy, like you're on a cloud. That's how I envisioned it. I wanted it to be light, pure, and clean.

October 14, 2021

Greetings dear visitors.

I am trying to work a little bit on the site each day. I keep tweaking and refining the layout. Please keep in mind this site is still in the early stages of development and it will look much different a year from now.

I plan on adding content each day until the site grows into a database of weight loss knowledge. I want this to be the go to source for helping people lose weight.

I am working on a page that contains education about human nutrition. It will include information on macronutrients and how many calories are in a gram of protein, carb, and fat.

I am about to binge right now.

I know I shouldn't but I am going to. My body doesn't feel satisfied right now. I think it's because I didn't eat any eggs today.

But maybe we can learn from this. I think I didn't eat well today. I didn't eat any fruits or vegetables. I also didn't eat any eggs. I know I must have been missing some vital nutrients if my body is craving food like it is.

After analyzing what I ate, I can see where I screwed up today. I ate those lemonhead candies. They were pure sugar, no nutritional value at all to them. I also ate that chips and salsa. The chips were high in calories and little nutritional value. I also didn't get any vitamin C. I did not eat any kiwi or apples.

Bottom line is: I have to start eating better! This paycheck I am going to stock up on nutritious food and maybe try another Pepsi alternative.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
Lemonheads 400 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
3 servings chips 420 calories
Salsa 150 calories
Broccoli and Cheese 450 calories
Almonds 100 calories
2 Hot Pockets 600 calories
3160 + calories

October 13, 2021

I only lost .8 lbs. this week.

This is good but not great. I hoping for at least a pound weight loss per week.

I am going to make some minor adjustments to my calorie intake. I think I'm going to change the number to 12.5.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
Eggs 330 calories
1/2 Banana 55 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
3 servings chips 420 calories
Salsa 105 calories
Broccoli and Cheese 450 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
2450 calories

Me at 196.2 lbs.

October 12, 2021

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
Eggs x 4 280 calories
Apple 95 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Broccoli and Cheese 450 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Wheat thins 280 calories
Popcorn 315 calories
2540 calories

October 11, 2021

What I ate today:
Cereal 660 calories
Milk 270 calories
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Eggs 280 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
20 grapes 70 calories
Chicken Stir Fry 630 calories
2590 calories

October 10, 2021

What I ate today:
Cereal 680 calories
Milk 300 calories
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
Eggs x 3 210 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Banana 105 calories
2 turkey sandwiches 370 calories
Apple 95 calories
40 grapes 140 calories
2560 calories

October 9, 2021

Hey guys! Nothing much new to report. I have not binged in days and I feel good. My new healthy food choices are working great. I feel healthy, not deprived. I feel like I am getting a very nutritious diet in my body every day. I could lay off the Pepsi but I am going to still drink my favorite beverage. I think the addition of eggs to my diet is really helping me and I have to add a page about eggs on my site to educate my visitors. I think they are an important addition to anyone's diet. They are very low calorie, packed with protein and other valuable nutrients.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 150 calories
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Eggs x 3 180 calories
Beef Jerky 420 calories
Banana x 2 210 calories
2 chicken nuggets 100 calories
Kiwi 100 calories
20 grapes 70 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Apple 95 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Tea 90 calories
2565 calories

October 8, 2021

What I ate today:
Cereal 320 calories
Milk 150 calories
Pepsi 540 calories
Eggs x 7 420 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Banana 105 calories
2 sticks of gum 20 calories
Broccoli and Cheese 450 calories
Tea 210 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2505 calories

October 7, 2021

What I ate today:
Cereal 320 calories
Milk 150 calories
Pepsi 500 calories
Eggs x 7 420 calories
2 turkey sandwiches 370 calories
Banana 105 calories
Apple 95 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Wheat thins 280 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2530 calories

October 6, 2021

I have reviewed my previous posts just now and I have stayed around the same weight for about a month.

I know I have to stop bingeing. I have to maintain a consistent calorie intake to lose weight. It's the only way.

This week I am not splurging any day. I am going to eat 2500 calories a day and stick to it. I know if I do this I will see if my formula is correct.

What I ate today:
Cereal 680 calories
Milk 2 cups 300 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Eggs x 7 460 calories
2 turkey sandwiches 240 calories
Chicken Alfredo 260 calories
Kiwi 50 calories
20 grapes 70 calories
2660 calories

October 5, 2021

I have consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Cereal 8 cups 1360 calories
Milk 4 cups 480 calories
2 kiwi 100 calories
Eggs x 3 210 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Pepsi 150 calories
2400 calories

October 4, 2021

I have consumed about 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Cereal 340 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Eggs x 6 420 calories
Apple 95 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
2 Kiwi 100 calories
20 grapes 70 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
2525 calories

October 3, 2021

I binged just now.

But no worries. I will dust myself off and get back up again.

I think it's worth noting that before I binged tonight I was not that hungry. I think it was more of an emotional binge. I did it because I kind of get high when I binge. I guess breaking the rules somehow stimulates me.

I'm going to do more research on eggs because I think this wonder food is going to be crucial for my weight loss. I think I was missing some nutrients that the egg provides.

I also want to mention that my pants are so loose around my waist now. The pants that used to be tight are now comfortable and the pants that used to be comfortable around my waist are now so loose I can't keep them on without a belt. My method is working!

What I ate today:
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Cereal 170 calories
Milk 120 calories
Boiled Eggs x 4 420 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Banana 105 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Tuna 280 calories
Spagetti Dinner 410 calories
2535 calories

September 30, 2021

After eating 3 boiled eggs I feel so.... well. It's hard to explain. I am going to make note of this because I think it's going to be important. Eggs have important nutrients that are going to help people. Not only do I feel full, but my mood has improved after eating these boiled eggs. I feel calmer and more relaxed.

What I ate today:
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Cereal 170 calories
Milk 120 calories
Boiled Eggs x 4 420 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Banana 105 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Almonds 100 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Tuna 280 calories
Spagetti Dinner 410 calories
2535 calories

September 29, 2021

I was off work today and didn't do much activity. I mainly slept, ate, and played PikMin 3.

I didn't go over my calorie limit and I am not hungry in the least bit.

What I ate today:
Banana x 2 210 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Breakfast Wrap 400 calories
Grapes x 20 70 calories
Boiled Eggs x 4 280 calories
Bread 180 calories
2 slices of turkey 60 calories
Popcorn 200 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
2540 calories

September 28, 2021

I'm still eating lots of eggs and I think they are a great addition to my diet plan. They make me feel full and are packed with nutrients.

What I ate today:
Banana 105 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Boiled Eggs x 6 420 calories
Tea 90 calories
30 Wheat things 280 calories
Tuna 160 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Orange 100 calories
Kiwi 100 calories
2525 calories

September 27, 2021

I got home and boiled myself some eggs. I also tried some kiwi. I haven't had kiwi in years and I was pleasantly surprised at how good they are. In most citrus fruits you kind of get a tart, sour taste but these fruits are so soft and sweet. Unlike apples, which in my opinion, are almost painful to eat, biting into a kiwi is like biting into a piece of canteloupe.

I feel fat today even though I haven't went over my daily calorie limit.

What I ate today:
Cereal 170 calories
Pepsi 300 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Milk 120 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
Boiled Eggs x 6 360 calories
2 Sweet Teas 180 calories
30 Wheat things 280 calories
Tuna 160 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Orange 100 calories
Kiwi x 6 300 calories
Apple 100 calories
2510 calories

September 26, 2021

My new healthy food is working good. I don't feel hungry right now and I have only consumed about 1800 calories today.

I am eating a lot of boiled eggs now and I think they are giving me lots of nutrients and vitamins that have been lacking in my diet. They also make me feel full.

I am ignorant about many things concerning human nutrition. I hope as I am learning you all can learn with me. The final goal of this whole project is to feel healthier and have a better body.

What I ate today:
Oats 240 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Banana 105 calories
Spagetti 410 calories
Boiled Eggs x 5 300 calories
Peach Drink 50 calories
2 turkey sandwiches 240 calories
Green Beans 70 calories
20 green grapes 68 calories
Popcorn 200 calories
2533 calories

September 25, 2021

Hey everyone. I have not abandoned this site. I have had some personal issues lately and have not been able to update.

I bought all kinds of nutritious, healthy food with my paycheck this week. I believe these changes are going to stop my binge eating.

I don t feel hungry at all right now and I ve just consumed 1500 calories today. I think this is a good sign. I have adjusted my diet so I am getting lower calorie but more nutrient-dense foods in my body. It s working. I feel better and I feel more satisfied.

What I ate today:
Oats 240 calories
Pepsi 540 calories
Nuts 100 calories
Apple 119 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
Boiled Eggs x 3 180 calories
2 cups Cereal 340 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Yogurt 80 calories
2469 calories

September 22, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I was pleasantly surprised to discover I had only gained 1 pound.

I ate like a horse yesterday and I can't believe I didn't gain a lot of weight.

Like I said in my previous post, I want to make some drastic changes to my diet this week.

I want to start eating 6 small meals a day instead of 3. I want to plan ahead what I eat every day and I want it to be balanced, nutritious meals.

I'm going to cut out chips and candy. I want to replace them with fruits and vegetables. I want my daily diet to be as nutritious and healthy as possible. I want to get every nutrient that the human body needs.

New additions to the diet regimen include apples, bananas, yogurt, boiled eggs, green beans.

I went to Wal-mart just now and browsed the food section. There are many light versions of foods I currently eat, so I'm going to stock up on those. I want to make my diet more healthy this week.

September 21, 2021

There is going to be some major changes to the diet plan. I am tired of bingeing and feeling like shit.

I am definitely doing something wrong because I keep binge-eating about once or twice a week.

I ate like a pig today, pretty much eating everything in sight. I'm not going to lie to my viewers, I want you all to know what truly goes on with my diet.

I probably consumed about 5000 calories so far today. Maybe even more than that.

I don't know if I am eating like this because I am unhappy with my work life or maybe am I doing it as some sort of self sabotage? Who knows, I am not a psychologist.
I've been thinking about a new approach that could work. I think I'm going to start eating many meals throughout the day but low calorie meals.

I am also going to buy Pepsi Mini's and another beverage substitute.

I also want to start eating more nutritious, healthy food. As you can see in my diet record in past posts, I don't eat the healthiest food. I eat chips, soda, candy, and not many fruits and vegetables.

There's another secret weapon in my arsenal when it comes to weight loss: dietary fiber.

September 20, 2021

I blew my diet bad today. I might as well enjoy myself, I've already screwed up. I'm going to eat about 4000 calories tonight.

I have got to make some changes because I keep screwing up my diet. The purpose of this site is to show people how to lose weight. I have to be more consistent and self disciplined.

I weighed myself this morning and I wasn't supposed to. It was too early. I am supposed to weigh myself every Wednesday. But I actually gained about .5 lbs. and of course it crushed me. When this happens, I get discouraged and want to quit my diet.

I'm sorry Pepsi, but I may have to part ways with thee. It's going to hard, but I think I have to. That's 600 empty calories a day that could be replaced with healthy, nutritious food.

What I ate today:
Oats 300 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Blowpop x 2 140 calories
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 220 calories
Tea 70 calories
Spagetti 410 calories
Noodles 290 calories
2 slices of bread 140 calories
6 slices of bread 600 calories
2 Hot Pockets 620 calories
2 slices of bread 140 calories
Chips 140 calories
Chicken Alfredo 260 calories
3 slices of bread 300 calories
4360 calories

September 19, 2021

I have consumed approximately 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 280 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Blowpop 70 calories
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 220 calories
2 TV Dinners 560 calories
Popcorn 315 calories
2 cups Honeycombs cereal 200 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
2495 calories

September 18, 2021

I ate a lot of Beef Jerky today. I don't feel hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Tea 70 calories
Beef Jerky 840 calories
Garlic Chicken 570 calories
2530 calories

September 17, 2021

After using my two splurge cards, I am back to consuming 2500 calories a day. We'll see if adding these cheat days will effect my weight loss come Wednesday.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 220 calories
Chicken Dinner 490 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
Big Mama's Pickled Sausage 170 calories
2540 calories

I did some math just now and found the average number of calories a day of Pepsi I consume. It's around 600 calories! Even more math, if you ingest 600 calories of Pepsi everyday for a year, that would equal 219,000 calories. A pound of fat is about 3500 calories. If I cut Pepsi completely from my diet, I would lose around 62 pounds a year! That's a lot of weight!

September 16, 2021

I am most hungry when I get off work.

My body is just screaming for food right now.

I think I can learn from this and better prepare myself for after work eating.

I think maybe I should eat small snacks throughout the day. Maybe this will actually be beneficial.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Corn Pops 300 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Gatorade 80 calories
Chicken Alfredo x 2 1080 calories
Spagetti Dinner 410 calories
Mott's Fruit Snack 80 calories
Popcorn 315 calories
2965 calories

196 lbs.

September 15, 2021

Good news to report! I have lost 1.4 lbs. this week!

Am I somewhat disappointed? Yes. I wanted to lose about 2 pounds per week but still this is progress and I know the formula I'm using works. This formula is the key to the whole project. Current weight x 12.9 = Calorie consumption for weight loss.

Also, I am going to add a cheat day to my diet plan. During this day, you can eat about 4000 calories.


I am going to implement 2 cheat days in my diet plan. Each day you can eat 3000 calories. I think this will be better than one cheat day with 4000 calories.

What I ate today:
HoneyCombs Cereal 200 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 220 calories
Spagetti 410 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
Popcorn 315 calories
4 Egg rolls 600 calories
3005 calories

196 lbs.

September 14, 2021

I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning even though I am not supposed to. I think I'm going to change my weigh day to Wednesdays because that's usually my day off.

What I ate today:
HoneyCombs Cereal 200 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Tea 70 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories
Spagetti Dinner 410 calories
Donuts 280 calories
Popcorn 200 calories
2550 calories

September 13, 2021

I overrate today. I kind of knew I would. But at least I recorded my calorie intake. We'll see come weigh day if this splurge effects my weight loss. If it doesn't, I am going to add Pig Out Days or Cheat Days to my diet plan. I think this will make the diet plan more fun, and just spice things up a bit.

What I ate today:
HoneyCombs Cereal 400 calories
1 cup milk 180 calories
Nutrigrain bar x 2 260 calories
Tea 140 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
Cashews 460 calories
2 Mott's Fruit Snacks 160 calories
Bag of chips x 2 300 calories
2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
2 hot pockets 620 calories
Beef Jerky 270 calories
3910 calories

198 lbs.

September 12, 2021

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 220 calories
Beef Jerky 540 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 630 calories
2 Mott's Fruit Snacks 160 calories
Tea 140 calories
2590 calories

September 11, 2021

I put on some old pants this morning and they are loose around my waist. I can barely keep them on without a belt.

I am losing weight! The scale and my pants don't lie.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Applesauce 90 calories
Beef Jerky 270 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Popcorn 200 calories
Chicken Parmesan 490 calories
Tea 70 calories
2495 calories

198 lbs.

September 10, 2021

I am doing fine with my diet today.

I have consumed about 2580 calories and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

My current method is working fine. Usually I eat lots of carbs in the morning, then as soon as I get off work I switch to protein-rich foods. I have been grabbing a bag of beef jerky at the Dollar Store when I get off work. This is a great appetite suppressant and it's kind of a reward as well for all the suffering I go through at work.

Site design and development is coming along nicely. I keep tweaking and refining the layout. I don't want to send out a rushed product because rushed products are usually crap. Duh. I think this website will be complete by August 2022. That's the deadline anyway. There's still so much that needs to be done.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 550 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Applesauce 90 calories
Pork Rinds 240 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
4 Eggs Rolls 600 calories
Tea 140 calories
2580 calories

September 09, 2021

I actually lost a pound. I couldn't believe it. I am at 198.2 lbs now.

What I ate today:
Oats 280 calories
Pepsi 500 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Mandarins 70 calories
Chips 120 calories
3 Peanut Butter Cup pieces 130 calories
Spagettios 410 calories
Cashews 300 calories
Tea 70 calories
Chicken Fettucini Alfredo 540 calories
2550 calories

September 08, 2021

I totally screwed up my diet today.
I ate like a little piglet. Did it feel good? Not really.
I mentioned that adding a splurge day to my diet plan could be possible.

I am somewhat discouraged about this whole project now. But that doesn't mean I am abandoning it.

I'll just dust myself off and try again that's all.

I will weigh myself tomorrow morning. If I gained weight, we will know why I gained the weight. I ate too much. We are learning from this.

September 07, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I was 198.8 lbs.

Since embarking on this diet (JuLY 10 2021) I have lost a total of 14 lbs. That's a pretty good accomplishment but I was hoping for about 20 pounds.

What have we learned in these two months? I know you have to eat a certain amount of calories everyday, consistently for months, to lose weight. That's just a fact of life. I hate to break it to you veiwers but I'm about to blow my diet right now. I am craving McDonald's so bad right now!

But maybe we can learn from this. Why am I having food cravings right now? If my body has all the nutrients it needs, then I shouldn't be hungry. I think the food I am eating is not healthy. I ate chips, pop, and high calorie bread today. I think I need to purchase better food next week. I do not eat fruits and vegetables. I think this might be hurting my weight loss goal.

I also think boredom has a factor in this. I'm really just bored right now and my computer and Nintendo Switch are not entertaining me. Am I using food as a subsitute for something?

I have been working on this website but not to the degree that I had hoped. I have to kick things into high gear. What can motivate me to lose the weight? Of course I'll be more attractive but what if I don't want the attention of another man right now?

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 650 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef and Cheese 90 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
2 Hot Pockets 570 calories
2 Slices of Bread 220 calories
2515 calories

September 06, 2021

I consumed roughly 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 650 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef and Cheese 90 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
2 Hot Pockets 570 calories
2 Slices of Bread 220 calories
2515 calories

September 05, 2021

I consumed roughly 2500 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Applesauce 90 calories
Beef Jerky 435 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
2 Ham Sandwiches 670 calories
2545 calories

September 04, 2021

I worked a double shift today and I only consumed about 2500 calories. Usually when I expend this much energy I tend to eat more calories, but I feel perfectly fine right now and not hungry.

I bought tons of Beef Jerky. I know it sounds silly but Beef Jerky is kind of my secret weapon when it comes to weight loss. Not many foods are so packed with protein and are low in fat as Beef Jerky. Beef Jerky is also very satisfying and it makes you feel full after consuming.

I think it's worth mentioning that I ate tons of protein today. I think all the protein is why I don't feel hungry at all right now. Usually when I work a double shift I'm starving when I get home. I think it's because my body needs to repair itself after all the energy I expended.

I am going to try to implement more protein in my diet to see if it helps me on my weight loss journey.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 840 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Applesauce 90 calories
Beef Jerky 660 calories
Wheat Thins 280 calories
Tuna 110 calories
3 Peanut Butter Cups 130 calories
2560 calories

September 03, 2021

I finally purchased a host for this project. I went with Hostgator. I think they will be good to me.

I am doing fine with my diet today. I don't feel hungry at all right now and I stayed within my daily calorie limit.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef and Cheese 90 calories
Chips 160 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
2 Ham Sandwiches 750 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
2540 calories

September 02, 2021

I'm going to try my very best to be as exact and precise as possible with my calorie intake this week. The reason for this is because I want to find the perfect formula for weight loss. I want to find the most accurate calorie intake possible for weight loss to occur.

12.9 is still in development. I am going to go with bold colors, and I don't want pastel/low contrast colors. I was looking at the current site design today and it's actually hard on the eyes with the low contrast. I want the design to be as pleasing and easy of the eyes for the viewer as possible.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef and Cheese x 4 360 calories
Lunchable 260 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Wheat Thins 280 calories
Spagettios 410 calories
Chips 150 calories
2470 calories

September 01, 2021

I am 199.2 lbs as of this morning.

This means I've lost about 1.2 lbs since last Wednesday.

This is acceptable but I was aiming for a 2 pound weight loss. I'm pretty sure I know why I didn't lose 2 lbs. It was that day that I ate 3000 calories.

I have really got to tighten up and get this formula right. I need to know what the caloric intake is for a weight loss of 2 pounds per week.

I'm not going to lie, I'm really craving a Big Mac and some greasy french fries right now. The purpose of this experiment is to create a weight loss plan that's fun, rewarding, and not punishing. I think I really need to replace the Pepsi with something else to save more calories. I do not feel satisfied right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef and Cheese 90 calories
Lunchable 260 calories
2 Ham Sandwiches 675 calories
Hot Pocket 270 calories
2 slices of bread 220 calories
2565 calories

August 31, 2021

I am slightly hungry right now and I have consumed about 2500 calories today. I think it's because I ate a lot earlier this morning. I think time and spacing meals out are important when it comes to weight loss. Your body doesn't like to go without nourishment for long periods of time.

I know I shouldn't but I'm going to weigh myself after I sleep. It's my day off and if I lost weight, it will really make my day!

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
2 Ham Sandwiches 675 calories
Beef And Cheese 90 calories
2 slices of bread 220 calories
2575 calories

August 30, 2021

I worked a double tonight and decided to pig out after work. I don't think it's going to effect my weight too much come Thursday. I consumed about 3000 calories today.

I am considering implementing Splurge Days into my weight loss plan. I think this will actually help the dieter in the long run because they will feel less deprived and as a result less likely to binge eat.

I think I'll allow one splurge day a week. Like one day you are allowed to eat 3000 calories. I don't think this many calories will make the dieter gain weight.

I am the test experiment and starting next week I will add a splurge day to my weekly diet plan. We'll see if I still lose weight.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
Candy Bar 210 calories
Funyuns 300 calories
Spagetti Dinner 450 calories
1 Ham Sandwich 345 calories
Beef and Cheese 90 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
2995 calories

August 29, 2021

I weighed myself this morning even though I knew I wasn't supposed to. I'm 200.2 lbs.

What I ate today:
50 Mini Wheat Biscuits 420 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Chips 400 calories
Pepsi 350 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Bottle of Coca-cola 240 calories
2 Turkey Sandwiches 810 calories
2550 calories

August 28, 2021

I worked a double tonight so I think that extra exercise will make up for going over my daily calorie limit today.

What I ate today:
50 Mini Wheat Biscuits 420 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Chips 400 calories
Pepsi 800 calories
Spagetti Dinner 450 calories
Pickled Sausage 170 calories
Beef Jerky 210 calories
Beef Stick 130 calories
2700 calories

August 27, 2021

I drank way too much Pepsi today. 900 calories from Pepsi! Just think of the nutritious food I could replace all that sugar with.

However, I still stayed within my calorie limit. Today was a success! We'll see if the Pepsi effects my weight loss come Thursday.

What I ate today:
50 Mini Wheat Biscuits 420 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Chips 120 calories
Pepsi 900 calories
Spagetti Dinner 450 calories
2 slices of bread 200 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Beef Stick 130 calories
2565 calories

August 26, 2021

I have lost 1.8 lbs. this week.

I think this is a good rate of loss.

I'm looking at my weight progress and I'm not progressing like I would have hoped. I have to stop pigging out. I have to stay on track with my calorie intake. That's the point of this entire website, to show the viewer's that restricting your calorie intake will cause weight loss.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Candy Bar 210 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Popcorn 200 calories
3 rolls of Smarties 75 calories
1 Can of Spagettios 410 calories
Tuna 110 calories
Wheat Thins 420 calories
Mott's Fruit Snack 80 calories
2555 calories

August 25, 2021

What I ate today:
3 Hot Pockets 890 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
4 Egg Rolls 600 calories
Mott's Fruit Snack x 2 160 calories
Bag of Chips 410 calories
2660 calories

August 24, 2021

What I ate today:
Frosted Mini Wheats (50 biscuits) 420 calories
1 cup milk 120 calories
Pepsi 500 calories
Green Tea 5 calories
Beef Stick 260 calories
Beef and Cheese Stick 280 calories
Foot Long Chicken Sub 940 calories
Baked Lays Chips 120 calories
2645 calories

August 23, 2021

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
5 Slices of Bread 550 calories
Pepsi 550 calories
Beef Stick 260 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Hot Pockets 600 calories
2640 calories

August 22, 2021

I have consumed roughly 2600 calories today and I don't feel hungry right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
1 Strawberry Pop 60 calories
3 Slices of Bread 330 calories
Pepsi 600 calories
Chips 810 calories
Beef Jerky 480 calories
2600 calories

August 21, 2021

I have consumed about 2600 calories today and I don't feel hungry at all right now.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
2 Slices of Bread 220 calories
Pepsi 450 calories
Chicken Alfredo Dinner 540 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
Bag of Chips 400 calories
2600 calories

August 20, 2021

I have to stop buying deli meat that is thinnly sliced in one big pouch. I need to buy the kind that is sliced thick so I can count the calories more easily. It's a pain in the ass having to calculate how many calories are in a sandwich when you have to assemble it yourself. It's best to buy stuff that's already premade and you just have to heat it up. Like Hot Pockets or Stouffer's family dinner's for example.

On a positive note, I bought some Sara Lee artesano bread that is delicious! It's high in calories for each slice of bread, but every bite is so good.

I went over my calorie limit about 20 calories. It irks me but I don't think it's going to do much damage.

I do not feel hungry at all right now with this calorie intake.

What I ate today:
Oats 320 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
Nutrigrain Bar 130 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
Beef and Cheese Snack x 2 180 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
5 Slices of Bread 550 calories
Turkey 270 calories
Lettuce & Tomato 50 calories
Mayo 80 calories
2640 calories

August 19, 2021

I am back on track with my calorie intake. I also only gained about 2 pounds with my recent splurging.

I do not feel hungry at all right now with an intake of 2610 calories today.

What I ate today:
Beef and Cheese snack x 3 270 calories
Chips 460 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
Mandarins 70 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Wheat Thins 180 calories
2 Hot Pockets 550 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
Tuna 110 calories
2610 calories

August 18, 2021

I overate again today.

Starting tomorrow I have to get my shit together. I want to have this website and diet plan complete by March 2022. I have to stay on track.
I am going to use the formula Current Weight x 12.9 = Daily Calorie Limit.

August 17, 2021

I screwed up my diet today. I weighed myself too and I wasn't supposed to until Thursday.

However, there's some good news to report.

Before I stuffed my face like a little piglet just now, I weighed myself. I have lost 1.4 pounds since Thursday. I would say if I kept following the same calorie intake I would have lost about 2 pounds by Thurday, August 19, 2021. So my new forumula is great for weight loss of 2 lbs per week. Current Weight times 12.9 equals Calorie Intake for weight loss.

August 16, 2021

This website has only been in development for 2 months. I have to go easy on myself. I feel like I should have it more polished and complete. But this is going to take about a year to finish development. I don't want something this big to be rushed.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Reese's Peanut Butter cereal 320 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Cashews 160 calories
Beef and Cheese snacks x 5 450 calories
Turkey Breast 270 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Lettuce and Tomato 70 calories
4 slices of bread 240 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
Mayo 160 calories
2660 calories

August 15, 2021

Protein is definitely an appetite suppressant and I must tell my viewers about this.

Today when I got off work my body was craving protein. I think protein repairs damage to tissues that's why my body was craving it so much.

I ate a huge amount of protein. I ate 4 ham sandwiches. I think it was about 40 grams of protein I consumed.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Reese's Peanut Butter cereal 320 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Bag of Chips x 2 320 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Ham 270 calories
Pepsi 750 calories
Lettuce and Tomato 70 calories
4 slices of bread 240 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
Mayo 160 calories
2580 calories

August 14, 2021

Doing fine today diet wise. I feel slightly hungry right now but not so much that I can't control it.

I am thinking about names for the website. I want it to be the number that you multiply your weight by to get your daily calorie intake. Why? Because this number is very important and it signifies pretty everything this site is about.

I want this number to be exact, accurate, precise. I want it to be the number you lose exactly 2 pounds per week with.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Reese's Peanut Butter cereal 320 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Bag of Chips 400 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 630 calories
Pepsi 500 calories
Lunchable 260 calories
Diet Snapple 10 calories
Yogurt 120 calories
2600 calories

202.6 lbs.

August 13, 2021

I am taking a picture of myself once a week. I think it's kind of pointless to take one every day because you really can't tell a big difference in weight.

I decided to raise my calorie intake because I actually lost too much weight this week. Afterall, the purpose of this science experiment is to find the most healthy caloric intake for weight loss.

I do not feel at all hungry right now. I've consumed about 2500 calories today. I actually cut my Pepsi intake and I feel fuller and more satisfied.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Reese's Peanut Butter cereal 320 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Bag of Chips 160 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Swedish meatball dinner 500 calories
Pepsi 550 calories
2 Ham sandwiches 510 calories
Nutrigrain 130 calories
Diet Green Tea 5 calories
2520 calories

202.6 lbs.

August 12, 2021

I lost 4 pounds!!! I am super stoked.

I can t believe I lost 4 pounds and I didn t even feel hungry throughout the whole process.

This is actually too much weight in one week.

I will make some adjustments to the diet plan this week so I will lose only 2 lbs.

I don t want the new formula to be current weight x 13. 13 is a number I don t like.

We are going to try 12.8. Current weight x 12.8 =

The reason to create this whole diet plan is to lose weight as painlessly and effortlessly as possible. This is the unique selling point of the whole experiment. I don t want people to feel hungry or deprived during the diet plan.

I m so glad I didn t hit Jason in the eye with that rock. I m so glad. I thank God everyday for that.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Reese's Peanut Butter cereal 320 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Bag of Chips 160 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Pepsi 950 calories
2 Hot Pockets 580 calories
2610 calories

August 11, 2021

Tomorrow is weigh day and I'm super excited. I've consumed a consistent amount of calories all week and this will prove that my formula works. My formula is Current Weight x 12 = Daily Calorie Limit.

I actually feel bloated right now. I don't feel like I've lost weight. I will be super disappointed if I've gained weight! Wish my luck, everyone.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Lucky Charms 280 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
2 Bags of Chips 300 calories
Beef and Cheese snack x 2 180 calories
2 Bags of Beef Jerky 450 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
Popcorn 310 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
2440 calories

August 10, 2021

As I walked out of the Dollar General store I glanced in the mirror. I can tell I've lost weight in my face and neck. This diet really is working.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Lucky Charms 280 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
2 Bags of Chips 300 calories
Beef and Cheese snack x 2 180 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 610 calories
Beef Jerky 225 calories
Pepsi 700 calories
2415 calories

700 calories are from Pepsi today. Just think of the healthy food I could replace that Pepsi with. I would probably feel healthier, look better, and feel more satisfied if I replaced the Pepsi with fruits and vegetables.

700 divided by 2415 = 0.289
0.289 x 100 = 28.9
That's nearly 29 percent of my calories from Pepsi.

August 9, 2021

Thursday is quickly approaching and I cannot wait to see how much weight I've lost!

I have been consuming exactly 2400 calories a day. We'll see if this is the perfect calorie intake for weight loss.

What I ate today:
2 cups of Lucky Charms 280 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
3 Bags of Chips 450 calories
Beef and Cheese snack 90 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 610 calories
Beef Jerky 400 calories
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
2400 calories

I think I want to add more healthy food to my diet in the future. As you can see, I don't eat many fruits or vegetables.

But with this caloric intake, I feel fine. I feel full and totally not hungry right now. We'll see in the future how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet.

August 8, 2021

I did not weigh myself this morning.

I continue to practice self control.

I will only weigh myself every Thursday from now on.

I am doing good with my diet. I don't feel hungry and I feel healthy. I think with this caloric intake I will be 140 lbs. again by this time next year.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 600 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
2 Bags of Chips 310 calories
2 Turkey Sandwiches 320 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 610 calories
Oats 320 calories
2400 calories

205 lbs.

August 7, 2021

I did not weigh myself this morning, again.

I am practicing self discipline.

I will only weigh myself every Thursday from now on.

I do not feel hungry right now and I didn't go over my calorie intake limit.

So today was successful dieting wise.

What I ate today:
Pepsi 650 calories
Beef and Cheese snack 90 calories
Bag of Chips 150 calories
2 Turkey Sandwiches 380 calories
Beef Jerky 240 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 610 calories
Oats 280 calories
2400 calories

205 lbs.

July 24, 2021

I weighed myself this morning, and I am 205.2 lbs.

That's a .5 lbs weight loss from yesterday.
I think this is great rate of weight loss.

I've been thinking today about alternatives to Pepsi that will drastically reduce my caloric intake as well as add valuable nutrients to my diet. As you see in yesterday's post, 31 percent of my calories are coming from Pepsi. I love Pepsi, but something must to done about this!

1. Brisk Iced Tea
Only 70 calories per can. That's almost half the calories of a can of Pepsi!

2. Hawaiian Fruit Punch
Only 80 calories per can. It also contains 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.

3. Coca cola
140 calories per can. This is only a 10 calorie difference from a can of Pepsi. But Coca-cola tastes very similar to Pepsi and you would save about 40 calories a day if you switched to Coca-cola. I usually drink 4 cans of Pepsi a day. 4 x 10 = 40 calories.

4. Water has zero calories but you are also paying for that with taste. A meal just doesn't taste as good with water. There's no flavor and it kind of ruins the whole meal. That's why I think the above alternatives are much better because you don't feel deprived and you get more flavor.

5. Reduce the amount of Pepsi from diet.
Another realistic option is reducing the amount of Pepsi from your diet. Say I eat three meals a day. The first meal, I drink one Pepsi. The second meal, I drink an Iced Tea. The third meal, I drink a Hawaiian fruit punch. Alternating also spices things up and adds more variety to your diet.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Hot Pockets x 2 540 calories
Bag of Chips 110 calories
Mandarin Oranges 60 calories
Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo 540 calories
Chicken Bacon Bowl 610 calories
2460 calories

205 lbs.

July 23, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 205.7 lbs.

Actually, I was like 206.2 lbs. the first time I stepped on the scale. I totally freaked out! After that strenous yard work I did yesterday and I gained weight?! After lying in bed and sobbing for awhile in the fetal position, I stepped on the scale again. I was 205.7 lbs. Why does my weight flucuate like this? I think maybe it's water weight.

But there's some good news to report. I coded an entire Body Mass Index chart tonight with my Tables know how. I am so proud of it and I can't wait to implement the chart on the site when it is published. I think this will help vistors know if they are overweight, underweight, or a healthy weight. It will give them some education and it will also add valuable content to the website.

I also have other ideas for content for the site. I'm thinking about adding a page devoted entirely to caloric content of foods. Calories matter and this will be important knowledge for anyone who wants to lose weight.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 5 750 calories
Hot Pockets x 4 1180 calories
2 bags of chips 250 calories
Tuna 80 calories
15 Wheat Thins 140 calories
2400 calories

Note how I drank 5 cans of Pepsi today. That's too much! I did some math, and that's 31 percent of calories from Pepsi alone.

Here is the math. I think it's good to show the visitors so they can learn.

750 calories of Pepsi divided by 2400 calories equals 0.3125. 0.3125 x 100 = %31.25 of calories from Pepsi

July 22, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 205.9 lbs.

I did not lose any weight.

I'm not surprised because I didn't work. I mainly sat at my computer all day yesterday. I'm guessing the lack of activity has something to do with it.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
Froot Loops 300 calories
1 Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
4 Egg Rolls 600 calories
1 bag of Potato Chips 160 calories
Mandarins 60 calories
Chicken and Bacon Bowl 630 calories
2450 calories

July 21, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 205.9 lbs.

What I ate today:
2 Hot pockets 600 calories
Pepsi x 5 cans 750 calories
1 Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Beef Jerky 270 calories
4 Egg Rolls 600 calories
1 Bag of Popcorn 80 calories
2430 calories

205 lbs.

July 20, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 206.5 lbs.

Adusting my calorie intake slightly worked. I lost .6 lbs in one day. That's actually too much weight loss in one day.

But we are learning from this. I want to find the perfect formula for weight loss. I think I will change my calorie intake to: Current weight x 12.3 = Calorie intake for weight loss.

I ate Beef jerky for lunch and I think it's worth mentioning. It made me feel full. Almost sick to my stomach full. I think protein is a good appetite suppressant.

What I ate today:
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Pepsi x 2 cans 300 calories
2 cups of Froot Loops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Beef Jerky 270 calories
Beef and Cheese snack 90 calories
Tuna 90 calories
1 bottle of Pepsi 250 calories
30 Wheat thins 280 calories
Chicken and Bacon Bowl 610 calories
2440 calories

206 lbs.

July 19, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 207.1 lbs.

Back to the same weight I was a couple days ago.

I decided to adjust my calories just slightly lower. I am now multiplying my current weight by 12. We'll see if this formula works better.

Worth noting today is the pork skins I ate. They made me feel full and satisfied. Their calorie content is not too high, about 315 calories per bag.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 3 450 calories
2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Pork Skins 315 calories
Beef and Cheese snack x 2 180 calories
Tuna 110 calories
2 hot pockets 580 calories
30 Wheat thins 280 calories
Chips 110 calories
2445 calories

July 18, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 208 lbs.

Yes, that's right. I gained about .9 lbs.

You better believe I was upset. Why? How could this be? I didn't go over my calorie limit yesterday.

I thought about it while I was working. Maybe it's because I did most of my eating late last night. I ate a lot last night. Maybe the timing and size of my meals has something to do with it.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Bag of Chips 120 calories
2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
5 Beef and Cheese snacks 450 calories
2 hot pockets 580 calories
1 Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Stromboli 410 calories
2710 calories

July 17, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 207.1 lbs.

I had to work a double the other night so I didn't log my calories. Sorry!

But tonight I will update this site, get everything back on track.

I have been losing weight steadily since starting this diet. I lost about .3 lbs from yesterday.

I'm pretty sure multiplying your current weight by 13 is the magic formula for weight loss. That's why I plan on naming my diet site Weightloss13.com.

I have lost a total of 5.7 lbs in one week. That's actually too much weight. I am aiming for 2 lbs per week.

I will continue to record my calorie intake on this site. It will help us determine how many calories per day is best for healthy weight loss.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Bag of Chips 120 calories
Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
Pork Skins 315 calories
4 hot pockets 1120 calories
Bag of Chips x 2 240 calories
2625 calories

207 lbs.

July 15, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 208.0 lbs.

That's a weight loss of .2 lbs. I did some math and if I lose .2 lbs everyday for 365 days, that would be 73 lbs in a year. I think this is a good, healthy weight to lose everyday.

I know that you must cut calories to lose weight, that's for sure. I have been dieting many years and I know this. What I'm not certain about it is how many calories you should eat a day. There's so many different sources and different answers, which one is right? I think with this site and this "experiment" I'm going to find the most healthy caloric intake. One that doesn't make a person feel deprived or unhealthy.

The lucky number is 13 when it comes to weight loss. Times your current weight by 13 and you get your daily calorie limit.

208 lbs.

What I ate today:
Pepsi x 4 600 calories
Motts Fruit Snack 80 calories
Beef and Cheese snack x 2 180 calories
Chicken Alfredo 1080 calories
Chips x 3 300 calories
Wheat thins 150 calories
Chicken n Pouch 90 calories
2630 calories

July 14, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 208.2 lbs.

I am losing weight... maybe too fast.

What I ate today:
2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
1 applesauce cup 100 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories
1 Nutrigrain bar 130 calories
Doritos 150 calories
Tuna pouch x 2 160 calories
30 Wheat thins 280 calories
2 cans of Pepsi 300 calories
1 Big Beef and Cheese snack 140 calories
3 Beef and Cheese snack 270 calories
Viola 3 Cheese Chicken Dinner 570 calories
2820 calories

I went past my calorie limit today because I worked a double shift. I expended more energy than an average day and I think I will still lose weight eating this many calories.

July 13, 2021

I weighed myself this morning and I am 209.5 lbs.

That's one pound in one day! And I didn't feel at all deprived.

What I ate today:
2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
1 applesauce cup 100 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories
2 Beef and cheese snacks 180 calories
Bacon and Chicken bowl 610 calorie
Tuna pouch 80 calories
30 Wheat thins 280 calories
1 bottle of Pepsi 150 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories
Bag of chips 150 calories
1 Beef and Cheese snack 90 calories
2510 calories

I would like to mention that when dieting buying things that are prepackaged makes it a lot easier to record your calories. I also think it's more accurate this way than eating at Subway or some other restaurant. I highly doubt these fast food places put accurate nutrition information on their websites etc.

209.5 pounds

The purpose of this blog is to find a safe and effective way to lose weight. I am the test experiment pretty much. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and I think it's time to finally reach a healthy weight. My first major weight loss was back in high school and I followed a similar plan. Count calories. But I think I restricted my calories too low. I didn't feel healthy. Yes, I lost weight but there were times when I was hungry. I also lost the weight too fast. I lost about three pounds per week.

I want this diet plan to be easy, fun, and rewarding. I don't want to feel deprived all the time. In this diet regimine, we are aiming for weight loss of 2 pounds per week.

July 12, 2021

After pigging out yesterday I still managed to lose weight! I couldn't believe it. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 210.5 lbs.

What I have ate today:

2 cups of corn pops 300 calories
1 cup of milk 120 calories
Applesauce 100 calories
2 cans of Pepsi 300 calories
2 Beef and Cheddar snack 180 calories
Tuna 80 calories
Wheat thins 140 calories
1 can Spagettios 410 calories
1 can of Coca Cola 140 calories
Whole Cashews 320 calories
Bag of Doritos 150 calories
Beef and Cheese snack x 2 180 calories
1 can of Pepsi 150 calories

2570 calories

I think it's worth mentioning that these little Beef and Cheese snacks from Jack Link's are great appetite suppressors. They each contain 7 grams of fat and 5 grams of protein. I ate one at 11 am and then again at noon. When I took my lunch break at around 5 pm I didn't feel starved. I think this is important because when I am starved before a meal I tend to eat more.

I also want to take into account how many calories I consumed came from Soda Pop. Today 590 calories came from Pepsi and Coke. That's 22 percent of my caloric intake from pop.

July 11, 2021

I have already lost weight. I weighed myself just now and I am 210.8 lbs.

What I have ate so far today:

4 servings of chips 560 calories
Salsa 130 calories
2 cans of Pepsi 300 calories
2 Nutrigrain bars 260 calories
1 Beef and Cheddar snack 90 calories
8 slices of bread 560 calories
1 Stromboli 410 calories
1 bottle of Pepsi 250 calories
Pepsi x 3 cans 450 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories

3550 calories

Yikes! I went overboard today. Let's examine this to see where all my calories are coming from. Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi... and more Pepsi. As you can see, my vice is Pepsi! That's 1000 calories in Pepsi alone today. I think this is where I am screwing up with my diet. Those 1000 calories are pretty much all from sugar. There's no nutrients, no protein, no vitamins, just empty calories. I think we may have learned something today...

But I love Pepsi. It makes everything taste better. I could switch to Diet Pepsi but I don't like the taste. I also hear that Aspartame (the synthetic sugar in Diet Pepsi that makes it taste sweet) gives you cancer.

How can we solve this predicament? I have an idea! What about switching to those mini cans of Pepsi! I could get some great Pepsi taste but with less calories. Mini can of Pepsi has 100 calories versus a regular can of Pepsi which contains 150 calories. I think I will try to implement this idea in next week's diet plan.

My Vice
I think before going on a diet it's imperative that you have an understanding of basic human nutrition requirements. If you don't get these nutrients, you will be hungry. No one, including myself, likes to be hungry. It interrupts your life. Say you come across a friend you haven't seen in years and you want to catch up with them.. but then your stomach growls. It totally ruins a beautiful moment in your life.

When you are hungry, you are also more likely to overreat! You're body is telling you to get these nutrients in you and fast. You scarf down everything in sight in search of these essential nutrients. You gain weight. You feel guilty and repulsive. It's a vicious cycle that I have dealt with my whole life.

July 10, 2021

I am turning this web page into my diet log. I already have a journal on Google.

I am 212.8 lbs on this day, July 10, 2021. I guess you could say I'm fat.

I am going to turn my weight loss journey into something valuable and hopefully profitable. I'm going to record my weight, my calorie intake, and my diet on this page. Hopefully we can learn something from this and I can help other people lose weight.

I am shooting for 2500 calories a day. I think this is a good number to start off with my first week of dieting. I don't want to restrict my calories too low and then feel starved. My body will just make me eat everything in sight if I only eat carrots and lettuce.

What I ate today:

Coca Cola x 2 280 calories
Mott's Fruit Snack 80 calories
Nutri-grain bar 130 calories
Smart Choice Popcorn 310 calories
Pepsi x 2 300 calories
4 slices of bread 280 calories
4 slices of turkey 120 calories
Chicken Alfredo 540 calories

2040 calories

July 9, 2021

I'm so lucky to have Dad in my life.

You think my life sucks now, what am I going to do when he's gone?

Gina is alright but she doesn't care about me the way my Dad does. She's like any other girl, only cares about herself.

No, that's not true. My Grandmother cared about me and so did my Mother. I am wrong with that statement.

I have to not be so hard on myself. At least I try. I have tried for many years but this is the best I can do.

I hope my nail grows back.

Some things are going good in my life. I have a steady job and as much as it sucks sometimes I have kind of mastered this job.

I worry that I'm too late. That I'll never find my passion but I think I have found it. I'm pretty sure I can make a living with a computer. I know it's not going to be easy but I think I can. I have some great ideas that could be fun as well as profitable.

I like this line from Batman and Robin that was acted by Uma Therman: "As I told Lady Freeze when I pulled her plug, this is a one woman show." This is my line when it comes to my work ethic. I work best alone and I have always been that way.

God, I hate doing laundry!

July 8, 2021

I have had a good day after feeling like pure shit this morning.

I don't know why but I feel suicidal in the mornings. I think it's my body telling me that I'm not getting enough sleep. It's trying to drag me back in the bed. But I won't change. I do this everyday. I feel fine before bed. This is actually the time of day that I feel most awake and alert. I'll stay up until 3 am and feel like shit all over again.

My computer books arrived and they were all intact. My only grip is that they're not wrapped in plastic. I want brand spanking new stuff and you can tell someone's already thumbed through the pages of these books. But the books are in good condition. I have yet to skim through all of them but I have so much knowledge at my fingertips and it excites me! I want to at least look like I know what I'm doing when I delve into my web development career.

The HTML5 and CSS3 for Dummies book is absolutely massive! It's about 3 inches thick.

Another noteworthy thing that happened today is I tore my dead fingernail off. It wasn't completely dead, but most of it was. It hurts somewhat but not real bad.

I think I did good today with HTML practice. This is just basic stuff but I feel like I'm progressing. I want my new sites to be perfect, polished, clean, organized. I don't want low contrast but I don't want so much contrast that it hurts the viewers eyes. I want it to be pure pleasure when they first land on the site. I want the perfect font, perfect font size, and I don't want sentences that stretch across the entire page.

July 4, 2021

Some serious whining ahead, be warned! My teeth bother me and I m not going to stop whining about it until I get them fixed. There s a sore in the back of my mouth right now where my wisdom teeth are cutting into my gums. It hurts when I swallow. My car is starting to feel lived in . A pop exploded in it again the other day and there s still evidence of it on my windshield. I feel so excluded from everyone. No one even invites me to shoot fireworks. My hair is getting too long and I don t feel like charging a hair stylist to cut it. I lost two pounds but I sabotaged myself today regarding my diet. I ate like a little piglet all day. It feels so good to indulge after depriving yourself though. That roast beef gyro never tasted so good! I have been working on my room. It looks better but there s still work to be done. I need to vacuum the carpet.

I can t wait for my HTML and CSS books to arrive so I can become a full fledged computer nerd again. I have tried so many outfits since finishing high school. I ve been skinny, fat, happy, miserable, suicidal, rich, poor, sick, blonde, burnette. I think it s time to go back to the drawing board and repeat my lifestyle from 20 years ago. I actually think I can make a profit this time with enough effort and knowledge.

Stats Record
Weight207.6 1bs.
Body Fat %34.8
Water %49.2
Weight210.2 1bs.
Body Fat %33.4
Water %49.5
Weight201.8 1bs.
Body Fat %33.4
Water %49.5
Weight195.8 1bs.
Body Fat %31.4
Water %50.7
Weight197.6 1bs.
Body Fat %31.9
Water %50.4
Weight201.2 1bs.
Body Fat %32.2
Water %50
Weight196.2 1bs.
Body Fat %31.1
Water %50.8
Weight197.0 1bs.
Body Fat %32.4
Water %50.0
Weight196.4 1bs.
Body Fat %32.3
Water %50.2
Weight197.8 1bs.
Body Fat %33.2
Water %49.8
Weight196.8 1bs.
Body Fat %32.5
Water %50.1
Weight198.2 1bs.
Body Fat %32.4
Water %50.0
Weight199.2 1bs.
Body Fat %32.4
Water %50.1
Weight199.2 1bs.
Body Fat %32.4
Water %50.1
Weight201.6 1bs.
Body Fat %32.2
Water %50.2
Weight200.4 1bs.
Body Fat %32.2
Water %50.2
Weight201.2 1bs.
Body Fat %31.7
Water %50.5
Weight203.4 1bs.
Body Fat %33.3
Water %49.8
Weight201.2 1bs.
Body Fat %33.0
Water %49.9
Weight202.6 1bs.
Body Fat %31.8
Water %50.2
Weight206.6 1bs.
Body Fat %33.1
Water %49.8
Weight206.6 1bs.
Body Fat %31.8
Water %49.7
Weight204.4 1bs.
Body Fat %31.8
Muscle %64.9
Water %49.6
Weight204.6 1bs.
Body Fat %31.7
Muscle %65.0
Water %49.6
Weight206.1 1bs.
Body Fat %31.9
Muscle %64.8
Water %49.3
Weight207.7 1bs.
Body Fat %31.3
Muscle %65.4
Water %49.9
Weight205.9 1bs.
Body Fat %31.5
Muscle %65.2
Water %49.5
Weight205.9 1bs.
Body Fat %31.1
Muscle %65.5
Water %49.6
Weight204.7 1bs.
Body Fat %31.0
Muscle %65.6
Water %49.8
Weight205.2 1bs.
Body Fat %31.3
Muscle %65.4
Water %49.6
Weight205.7 1bs.
Body Fat %31.2
Muscle %65.2
Water %49.5
Weight205.9 1bs.
Body Fat %32.0
Muscle %64.7
Water %49.1
Weight205.9 1bs.
Body Fat %31.9
Muscle %64.8
Weight206.5 1bs.
Body Fat %32.2
Muscle %64.5
Weight207.1 1bs.
Body Fat %32.6
Muscle %64.1
Weight208.0 1bs.
Body Fat %32.8
Muscle %63.9
Weight208.2 1bs.
Body Fat %32.9
Muscle %63.8